We got back the results of Scout's 6 day post-transfusion follow-up CBC yesterday... Unfortunately, it wasn't anything near to what we were hoping for despite being what we expected due to his declining condition. Simply put, Scout is out of options as his blood work is exactly the same as it was prior to the transfusion. He's showing non-regenerative anemia, lack of infection and presence of leukemia resulting in release of immature and abnormal red blood cells. Our idea of a Hail Mary treatment is no longer on the table as no infection means no need for antibiotics, lack of iron-mediated anemia takes away using vitamins to reduce anemia, and presence of leukemia negates changing to a stronger steroid as doing so would most likely send the leukemia out of control. To add to that, with him being as anemic as he is, he's on the verge of respiratory distress when it drops too low. So we don't even have the hope of him slipping peacefully away as respiratory distress is not peaceful. Our only option now is to watch him, monitor his breathing and when he seems to be struggling to stay alive then we will take him to the vet to be set free of his pain to go live with Josh's grandma Dee in the great unknown. This is rather hard to do as we hate being the ones cutting his life short. And while I really don't want to see another pet euthanized, we can't let him suffer through suffocating in a room full of air. So now we are at the point of it no longer being a matter of if but rather when... At the moment he is sleeping peacefully on the couch after spending some time outside. Despite it being so hot and humid, we let him out for a short time as he loves to lay in the grass and now due to his anemia has a dirty brick he loves to lick. We let him lick it... what harm can it do now.
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