The Cause

Scout is a 2.5yr old domestic short hair cat that we've had the honor of adopting from Ft. Riley, KS on Memorial Day 2009. He's a human lover, slug finder, grass eater, bird watcher, and all around good kitty. He's been Josh's shadow and PTSD therapy cat since the day we found him. So we were heart broken to suddenly find that he had leukemia with severe anemia during an emergency trip to the vets during which he nearly died. Thanks to a blood transfusion from a cat named Scrubs, he's been given a few more weeks to be pampered like a king. At this point it looks as he may have non-regenerative anemia associated with leukemia. But we won't know until his cbc next week. Depending on it's results we may have options other than chemo (we refuse to put him through chemo and bone marrow transplants) or may just have to make him as comfortable as possible until his red blood cells are depleted again. Either way, we don't plan on putting him through any more pain or trauma in order to keep him with us.  If we can manage his anemia with medications, we will...  If not, he will be loved until his final day.  But while we wait to find out his updated prognosis, we've managed to accumulated medical bills over 2K and rising after next week's follow up. We have 6 months before interest hits on them but on student budgets, there's no way we can get it paid in time. So we've decided to set up this art-raiser to help us pay Scout's bills and maybe have enough to get him treatments if this turns out to be something with a minimally invasive treatment. We really appreciate all those of you who have offered to help by monetary and art gifts.

Scout's Medical Costs

Day 1 - Emergency Trip
Northern Pike Veterinary Hospital- $499.50
AVETS - $1501.97

Day 6 - Revaccination/check-up of other 3 cats
The Big Easy Animal Hospital - $200.50

Day 7 - Follow-Up CBC
Northern Pike - $50.16

Day 14 - Cremation 
PVS-EC - $124.00

Current Vet total as of 09/07/11